thoughts from my (semi-) daily walk

          My husband had the bright idea a few weeks ago that, if I want to begin to lose my baby weight (six months post-partum), I should, drumroll please, exercise more! How revolutionary, my dear! So, I resolved to take a daily (unless absolutely impossible) walk around my little semi-urban city. In the mile-and-change I cover on my route, I encounter some interesting things, both external sightings and internal musings. These things come up during our regular commutes also, but as a pedestrian I have the opportunity to examine more closely, greet people, and think deeper for longer intervals as I go.
          For one, I notice that pedestrian ettiquette has deteriorated drastically as far as I can observe. I've read fun little news blurbs about the "friendliest" states or cities nationwide, and New York (usually NYC) often ranks dead last when it comes to the usual smile and wave to the passerby. Why is this? I personally tend to be stand-offish and socially analytic but this is usually in the case of first impressions and actual meetings. I like to be pleasant to the person I have no obligation to see or speak to beyond a two-second greeting and see no reason  not to be! I also noticed that the friendliest of my fellow pedestrians (today, at least) were some of the sketchiest looking dudes I've walked past, including a scraggly-bearded old goat with a funny gait and scungey clothes, and a member not of my own race (imagine that!) who was carrying a satchel in a strange way and searching the sidewalk for something he thought he'd dropped from it. Each of these men went beyond the now-common eye contact aversion tactic and greeted me with kind words and smiles as my son and I passed by. That was one thing that I really appreciated about my husband when I first met him; we'd go for walks (we didn't own any vehicles together until a couple years ago!) and he'd smile and greet everyone who passed us! If the person showed any sign of welcoming contact, they'd be treated to his sweet smile and a kind word of passing greeting. Simple as that! I was so amazed by this once basic piece of social behavior that I was moved to do my part and act in kind toward my fellow man. This includes being graceful when someone cuts you off in traffic or bumps your cart (or often, your car) at Wegman's, or in absolutely every instance in which you are a customer being served by another human being. One of these days I could write an encyclopedia's worth of words explaining just why I see no reason to ever be rude to a cashier, restaurant server, hotel worker, DMV clerk, or any other server. No reason whatsoever. But, that's for another day.

An added perk of the daily walk!
          As I went about my way, I was snacking on these funky little "Sea Sprinkles" I found at the store yesterday. Ingredients: Seaweed, Olive oil, Agave syrup, Sesame oil, Sesame seed, Sea salt. Calories per half ounce: 60. Your mouth is watering already, I know. The packet claims its contents are "strangely addictive" and after eating these little clusters, I can see why. This product is an import from Korea, how sensible to capitalize on a wild edible this way! The resource is totally renewable if harvested sustainably, the basic overhead costs must be very low (after all, it's seaweed) and it's a (rare these days) nutritious snack! But then I remembered that if the seaweed was harvested within the past 18 months it's likely to have been exposed to radioactive goodness from the Fukushima meltdown that seems to have disappeared from public memory. Oh, jeeps! Wouldn't it be great if American confectioners introduced lightly-sweetened dandelion leaf or lamb's quarter leaf clusters to the hippie food market? How's that for job creation! If you think outside the box and take a good look at your surroundings, you really can make more out of the components of your natural surroundings than you'd ever considered, and this principle applies to more things than just sweet, kelpy treats. 

          One last thing I came by before Wesley and I finished our circuit and arrived home: irony.
          Pictured above is a pile of discarded spring water jugs and paperboard. Curbside. In front of its owner's house. On a windy day. Yes. I can appreciate that this person doesn't want to use city water for whatever reason, which is great. They also have the mind to recycle their plastics and papers, great. But the means by which they've decided to recycle could also be called (another drumroll, please) littering! Oh, the irony splits my sides! Oy, vey...

          So, my beebee and I made it home safe and sound (despite my trying to text and stroll, probably the next thing New York State will make illegal) and we can continue our day, thanks for peeking in on it!

         I'd like to include as a footer to each post the following quick snippet, consider it the tag on the t-shirt so-to-speak.

     What's for lunch: Asparagus, cheesy potatoes, and organic BBQ pork and cheddar sandwiches!
     Verse of the day: Romans 8:1 (KJV): There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 

                                                                               So very truly yours,

Why, hello there!

Nice to meet you! I'm Alpha, what's your name?

          Just so you know, I'm not that awesome. Well, my name isn't really Alpha Delta, which would be pretty gnarly. I'm Alyssa Duvall (awesome nonetheless) and I live in Upstate New York with my husband Jake and our six-month old creature, Wesley.
Shiny happy family!
          I suppose I decided to start this blog because, not only was I inspired by other blog-mama trailblazers, I thought I'd like to add my input to that vast whirlpool of zeros and ones. Even if I don't come by fortune, fame, or followers through this venture, I'll have something for my child(ren) to one day pore over when someone asks them if their mom was always this weird. They'll know for sure that their mom was nuts, but knowledgeable. Not that my spare time is very bountiful (or even existent) but I'd like to be able to share my own blend of not-so-usual momblog topics which may include:
  • natural parenting (cloth diapering, breastfeeding, vaccinations, making baby food, homemade everything, homeschooling, etc.) and why it's just fantastic
  • my (also crazy) baby and the goofy things he does, as well as some pictures, tips on babyish things, as well as questions for you! I don't know everything (gasp!) about raising kids and I'll occasionally get so desperate as to cast my message in a bottle to the big blue blog and, if you have any experience with wittle beebees, maybe you'll have the answer!
  • Someday, I'll teach you how to make the best-ever Greek Yogurt!
  • healthy (and/or delicious) home cooking with some of my favorite recipes, as well as fun foods you may not have considered making from scratch
  • gardening - not likely to be covered much until seed-starting time, but still an important part of my life, and it's something anyone can do! Even you!
  • frugal living - as a homekeeper (Titus 2:5), it is my daily charge to run my home efficiently and to be a good steward of our God-given resources. This includes not blowing my husband's paychecks on pretty shinies and designer clothes for our baby. I come from a hoarding and financially wasteful background, so this is a daily battle for me on which I'll try to keep you bloggie folk updated!
  • preparedness, survival, and bushcrafting - whoa, where'd that come from?! see, I told you I was nuts. Now, I'm not about to stand on the street corner wearing a sandwich sign emblazoned with Revelations references, but I do very strongly believe that in these last days we are called to be sober and vigilant. I believe we should be spiritually prepared for the coming of the Lord as a thief in the night, and also physically and mentally prepared for the coming of any old pick-pockety thief in the night. Take it from the Boy Scouts, be prepared!
  • politics and social issues - again with the stuff no one wants to hear! Pardon me, you can feel free to ignore these posts if we disagree on anything. They won't get lonely. I know that there are (literally) millions of people who share my bemusement and disgust with the way our country (and global government) is being run (from behind the curtain, I'll add) and I know that a good chunk of them also happen to be moms! You will not find (nor would I tolerate) any racist views, advocacy of errant violence, or any of the really crazy stuff. Honest.
  • faith, holiness, eschatology, creation, other matters of Christianity and Bible study - as my faith is alive and thriving and my relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continues to deepen, my Bible study and recording thereof will be directly proportionate. Again, if our doctrinal views differ or if I get to be too preachy or you think I'm "closed-minded" (with which I have no problem), feel free to ignore the post in question (or the whole blog if you wanna be like that :p)
          Since, after all, this is the Internet, I feel the need to say from the outset that I won't tolerate anything less than constructive, positive (or at least intelligent) discussion here. Don't waste your time, be nice! I find it taxing myself to withhold some things I'd like to say to the people when they do the strangest things in public, but I don't pull over and scream out the window at them. It's just courtesy.
          So, if any of the above sound like your kind'a of readin' material (we can share a cell!), stick around and I'll do my best to be faithful to this blog! At the moment I'm typing with Wesley on my lap and it's hard to focus on anything (I forgot to breathe) with this Leap Frog guy singing the Alphabet Song. Oh boy, what have I gotten myself into?

                                                                   So very truly yours,
                                                                           Alpha Delta